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Thursday, 26 June 2014

Intraocular Pressure Is Generally Measured Using A Noncontact Tonometer

Determination of the visual fields is carried out by research contrasts with which we can estimate the approximate degree of visual field loss.

Study of the reaction of the pupil to light (indirect and involuntary) to assess the condition of the optic tract, no direct light reflex observed in a unilateral lesion of the optic nerve and the central retinal artery occlusion.

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In a patient with glaucoma is detected arcade scotia (isolated area in which eyesight weakened or absent along the nerve fibers at the edges of the optic nerve).

Central scotia may occur with optic neuritis. Temporal hemianopia / homonymous Hemianopia (loss of right or left halves of the visual field) and quadrant Hemianopia (loss of one quadrant of the field of vision in one or both eyes) was observed in patients with neurological disorders.

Intraocular pressure is generally measured using a noncontact tonometer. If necessary, intraocular pressure measurement is performed or contacts Ocular tonometry.

To exclude glaucoma may conduct computer perimeter, i.e. the study of the visual fields. Before any surgical intervention performed refractive examination, this includes: visual acuity without correction and with optimal correction, bio microscopy, ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, refractometry (using fundus), computerized corneal topography in the computer topography, ultrasound biometry, and ultrasonic tachymetry.

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The obtained data are used in diagnosis by the surgeon during the laser correction. Before performing refractive surgery patients conducted corneal tachymetry thickness measuring device, which allows us to calculate the maximum allowable depth of the laser, which in cases of very high degrees of myopia determines how fully possible to make a correction.

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